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The censustakers

OAKLAND--After numerous attempts to enumerate a property and leaving NOVs (notice of visit), this woman calls me and leaves an angry message.

I called her back and she tried to tell me I had no right to harass her and I needed to stop. I told her that we would love to stop knocking on her door, but she is legally obligated to answer the census and we plan to knock on her door until our time runs out.

I told her if she refuses to answer the census, next time she drives down the street and complains about all the potholes, don't. She asked if answering the census would get the potholes fixed. I said, answering the census won't fix the potholes, but it would bring more money into the community possibly getting the roads better care.

I also told her if she had kids, it could possibly bring more funding to First 5, after-school funding and other programs. If she had elderly family, it could bring additional funding to senior centers. I just listed off the potential benefits.

By the end of the conversation, she was thanking me for our persistence and told me she would encourage people to participate. That was our eighth attempt since August and I got the interview on October 14.

Anonymous in Richmond



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