YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio--I could probably fill a book with a few of my stories. Being a white, southern, obviously lesbian, former cop being sent into neighborhoods in Youngstown, Ohio, known for not being very "outsider friendly".
Every day I had at least one "head scratcher" interaction... From having a gun pulled on me to being invited to stay for dinner; cats that decided to challenge my balance by weaving between my feet; breaking stereotypes, befriending a man that has polar opposite political and social views and sleeping in my truck between jobs and trying to convince my fiancee that I wouldn't be killed at work.
I loved every minute of it and it energized me. People opened up to me and others tried to get a date out of our interaction. Some folks seemed to feel as if I was the President's secret spy, sent specifically to their house to gather information. I was saddened by the fact that I had to convince immigrants that their answers wouldn't get them deported and I was excited to meet younger generations that were interested in the inner workings of the government.
I'd do it again in a heart beat.
—Jasmynn Johnson